Sunday, June 26, 2011

Week 5 Assignment, Part 2: Course Reflections

Well, the first course is over, and I’m still spinning trying to make sure everything is done. I’m not sure that I had expected this first class to be so intensive. I’ve taken other online courses, and I realize that just like any college course with any teacher, there are similarities and differences in all of them. I think that my first course with Lamar’s Distance Education system was ok. I think this first class really assumes a higher level of technology use already in place by the student. I know that several of my classmates were drawn into the technology field out of necessity. I wondered how prepared everyone really was for this class. Hopefully, now that I understand the Epic system, that will be one less thing I have to learn during the next course.

There were some good ideas that came out of this class. I guess my main outcome was to pass the class with an acceptable grade. I know that may sound bad, but I finished my Bachelor’s degree in 2004, so it has been a while since I’ve done any real studying and coursework! In many ways this course allowed me to reaffirm some of my convictions about student use of technology in classroom. My school seems to be rather advanced in the use of technology and of what technology resources we have. Sometimes I feel like we are pushing our students into technology overload. I believe as I worked through this course I got the chance to feel remember what it feels like to be a tech newbie and have so much to absorb at one time. I think it would be a good idea for me to remember this when I begin presenting new concepts to my students.

My outcome was to pass with a decent grade and learn how to use the system. I know that may not really be a very high objective, but after having not been in classes like this for a while, I just didn’t want to lose ground. I met people in my class and created a network of peers who are willing to help me as we progress through this degree plan. I’m not sure that I had any greater expectations. I think there was almost too much reading, and I’m concerned that I may not be able to handle the course load once I start the new school year. I know I was frustrated because I really want to do well; not just good enough. So, what outcomes did I not achieve? Well, I’m not really sure. As each teacher is different each course is different. I think I did pretty well, and I’m looking forward to the next class.

Wow this is sort of hard to say. I did my assignments, but for some of them, I was really struggling. I think that much of my problems had to do with terminology. I had to get a better understanding of what all we were talking about before I could tackle the assignments. I didn’t know about the “details” section in the graded assignment area of the Epic system. Had I known about that, I might have been better able to complete the following assignments. Overwhelmed…that is probably the word that really wraps it up. To be honest if I hadn’t had someone to work through the assignments with and to bounce off ideas, I’m not sure I would have been successful. Also the fact that there were three different places to post things, two or three different email accounts to check, and I’m out of school and couldn’t access my site mentor as readily as I wished were all obstacles that I guess I wasn’t prepared for.

As I look back, I really think this course has reminded me that I am a determined person. I was able to help others with their assignments which I really enjoy. At points in the course, I found myself overwhelmed. I really had to take a step back and get organized. Look over everything and work on a plan. I know that the lessons were laid out pretty well, but they were so intensive that I don’t think I was prepared for them. Many people would say that you have to devote extra time to online classes since we aren’t meeting face to face. But I spent 5 hours almost straight on one assignment. I don’t know if that is normal. I do know that having other people to talk with, I shared cell numbers with some of my classmates, helped me a lot. Sometimes just emailing back and forth really didn’t solve any issues. I have been looking for a Master’s program for several years. When my sister approached me about going to Lamar together and working through our Master’s together, I realized that it was time to move forward and that this was an opportunity I did not want to pass up. I’m in this for the long haul and I want to be successful. I want to be able to help others. I believe that we want each other to be successful. Maybe that’s what put us in this program.

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