Saturday, December 17, 2011

EDLD 5363 Web Conferences

I can see how in theory web conferences would be a great way to keep in tough with your students; to allow them to ask questions and get clarification on questions they have on their projects. However, I'm not fully convinced that our web conferences have been very successful. I think that the software and bandwith issues remain and really need to be worked out. There were some clarrifications to our assignments for the PSA and for what was expected by the end of the course. I was wondering about the groups that we worked in.....maybe they could be called our success management teams (a term borrowed from the National Society of Leadership and Success). I really enjoyed working with the group I had for the PSA in EDLD 5363. We all worked well together. I don't know what the next course will include, but I'm looking forward to next class.

Friday, December 16, 2011

PSA: "Cyberbullying--It's Real) Video for EDLD 5363

EDLD 5363 Reflection Week 2 and 5

I really enjoyed week 2's assignment of evaluating open source video editing software. I had a few problems with some of the choices, but I finally settled with Pinnacle's Video Spin. There were a few bumps, but It really was pretty easy to figure out. I had the opportunity to help a couple of other students with their software and projects which was pretty nice.

I enjoyed working my with group for the PSA. We all worked well together and seemed to have the same goal in mind. Everyone was flexible and wanted to put together the best product that we could. I found that keeping the PSA t 60 seconds was more of a challenge than I had thought. We had good ideas that had to be pretty modified without loosing the meaning or focus of our PSA. I think we came out with a very good project. In the midst of all of this, my computer started freezing up a lot. I knew it was getting close to time for it to crash. I was really just keeping my fingers crossed that we would be able to get the video finished up before it totally died. I'm looking forward to the next few weeks off because I have purchased a new computer (my Christmas present), and I'm looking forward to setting it up and getting it running.

I enjoyed this video class. There was a learning curve on several things, and I do think prior knowledge really helped me a lot.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Reflection - Week 2 - EDLD 5363

This week I evaluated some video editing software. I actually had to try a couple of different types. I think my desktop computer is about to pass on to glory, which made it difficult to work with the software since it keep freezing up.

I also want to make a point here about webconferences. I enjoy the opportunity to review the activities with my classmates on the various web conferences that have been offered. However, and let me pause here a moment to play devil’s advocate, I will admit that it seems I’ve spent a lot of time doing nothing productive. I believe the instructors want to be involved in our classes and want us to be successful, but when there are so many of us in one class (especially when it involved the ED ADMIN classes), I felt as if nothing was being accomplished. Over 100 people in the class and only the first 100 could get into the session.
I also appreciate my classmates wanting to voice their concerns and questions, but isn’t that what the virtual office hours are for? Maybe we could be broken into smaller groups, meet via skype and discuss concerns and questions that are specific to our needs. Then one oerson in the group could send those questions to the IA’s. If the IA’s did not resolve any questions, then it could be referred to the professors. It’s just a thought.

Pinnacle Video Spin

Includes a 15 day trial of advanced video codecs (MPEG2, MPEG4, DivX). Just purchase the Advanced Codecs Pack. Saves in file formats avi, divX, iPod compatable, MPEG 1,2 and 4, Real Media, Sony PSP, and Windows Media
It took this software a while to download.

I downloaded from CNET. It also took a while to open. Once opened, it associated the video files that were on my computer. They were visible in the window at the left of the screen. Don’t see a way to capture video from this software, but you probably already have your video on the computer.

Screen opens in the Editing mode. Here you have buttons to select video, select transitions, create title slides, import images, add sound effects, or add music. You can preview video in the upper right section of the screen. If you like the video, you pull it to the timeline at the bottom of the window.

You pull the video to the timeline and make adjustments as needed. Right clicking on the video in the timeline area also allows you to create a title slide. The buttons are basic and intuitive.

This was a very good basic editing software, and I think it would be great for people who are just starting out. It’s not overwhelming with too many bells and whistles, but it does give you a variety of options to create a nice video. I think after playing with this for a while and getting used to the interface, you could easily decide to use Pinnacle Studio which is the big daddy version of VideoSpin.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

My First Video (for EDLD 5363)

I really enjoyed creating the video this week. I will agree that the most difficult thing was getting started! I finally decided on what to do, and with the help of my partners, I whittled it down into a presentation that I'm proud of. I found so many ideas that I hope to use with my junior high students too!

Friday, November 18, 2011

EDLD 5363--Week 1 Reflection

Wow, where has the time gone! I think I missed posting for a whole section. The class of school law was really something. I learned a lot, but it reminded me why I'm not a lawyer! I always enjoy the opportunity to discuss various topics with my peers and that class certainly afforded me plenty of opportunities for just that.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

EDLD 5326--Week 2 Reflection

I enjoyed the assignment this past week. I took the opportunity to talk with my principal during my conference. I got some really good information from him and he gave me some great suggestions for the school-community project. We had some ideas that didn't exactly pertain to technology, but they were good ideas that I think he might want to look toward implementing in the future.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Weekly Reflection

Well, I have had this past week off as we have ended EDLD 5306 and now move on to EDLD 5326. Since I'm a school teacher, I really needed the week to get my classroom and myself ready for the new school year. I'm excited about going back to school and seeing my students, but I'm also a bit anxious about being able to get my college classwork completed and be able to give it 100%. I think it may be a bit bumpy here at the beginning, but hopefully things will settle down as we get into the school year.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Reflection for EDLD 5301

Reflection of EDLD 5301
When thinking about how I want to reflect on EDLD 5301, (which almost sounds redundant), I’m not sure if I want to approach it as a week by week thought or just thoughts in general. This course helped me better understand what is expected in my action research plan. As I progressed through the course, I narrowed down my plan, receiving wonderful suggestions and comments from my peers. I believe that having others look over my work and assist me as I implement my plan, will be vital to my success. As in any online course, it is very easy to feel isolated and become overwhelmed with the coursework. It is wonderful to have classmates and IA’s who are willing to offer constructive criticism and to encourage me along the way.

I didn’t have the opportunity to participate in the web conferences (although I’m hoping to participate in the last conference) due to unforeseen circumstances. I believe that web conferences are a great way to stay in touch and connect with our classmates. I am very happy that these are offered.
Each week we were encouraged to bring more focus to our action research plan. I am tempted to say narrow our plan, but I realized that as I looked over my classmates comments to my draft plan, they were offering wonderful and insightful suggestions to help me bring my plan into a more manageable realm. Since some of my classmates have conducted research, I am very happy to receive any pointers they have from their past experiences.
Our discussion postings also helped me as I worked through creating and defining my action research plan. I think one thing that was a bit confusing was that there were ED ADMIN students in this class. Often I wasn’t really sure what applied to me as an ED TECH student. There are so many documents and logs and reflections to try to keep up with. I really with the process could be a bit more streamlined. Hopefully I will continue to get my work in on time.
I also appreciate the work my IA, Creighton Gahn, has done in answering my questions and my classmates questions so quickly. I cannot imagine what it must be like to try to keep track of all of us! 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Week 4 --EDLD 5301

Wow, this week seemed to go by pretty quickly. I did some revising on my Action Research Plan and had the opportunity to meet with my site mentor. She and I both agreed that when we get back in school, things may flow a little more smoothly as far as continuity for my research plan. This course has gone well, and I feel like I've had the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of what to do and challenges to expect while implementing my research plan. I also had the opportunity to reconnect with some of my classmates. I know that things are going to get hectic for those of us getting to get back into our classrooms. I really hope that we will help each other out as daily events start getting hectic.

SCHOOL VISION: Improve Technology Literacy for ED students


GOAL: Improve ED students AYP utilizing 1:1 initiative with netbooks









Revisions to SIP/PIP based on monitoring and assessments

Obtain information on ED students on campus

Start notebook

(e file and hardcopy if possible)

PIEMS information

Laura Dacus

PIEMS Secretary

Aug 15-19, 2011


Assist ED students in reviewing laptop care and agreement documentation

Create packets of info for parents/guardians

Arp ISD website or documents from tech department

Laura Dacus

Student tech assistants

Tech dept

Aug 22-Sept 2011


Review TAKS scores for ED students

Retrieve TAKS information from counselor or principal

TAKS results via state

L. Dacus



Aug 22-Sept 2011


Chart when students receive netbooks

Create Spreadsheet of students as they receive netbooks

Spreadsheet Software

L. Dacus

Aug 22-Sept 2011


Discuss Action Research Plan with fellow teachers on campus

Develop a handout/blog posting of Action Research Plan (include benefits to research and opportunities for student improvement)

Desktop publishing software and printer (MS Publisher)

Post blog to school's webpage on Tiger Tube

L. Dacus

Aug 22-Sept 2011


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Need comments to action research plan

I think I may need a bit of assistance. I'm not sure if I have correctly done what I needed to do in order to allow my classmates to post comments on my blog. I need some comments regarding my plan in order to complete my week 4 assignment. Thanks! :-)

Blog Appearance

I thought my blog look pretty decent before I added my Action Research Plan. I tried to follow the instructions. I think I may have to select a different background, although I liked the image of our school's sign. I apologize if my background makes my postings difficult to read.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Action Research SIP/PIP








Revisions to SIP/PIP based on monitoring and assessments

Obtain information on ED students on campus

Start notebook

(e file and hardcopy if possible)

PIEMS information

Laura Dacus

PIEMS Secretary

Aug 15-19, 2011


Assist ED students in reviewing laptop care and agreement documentation

Create packets of info for parents/guardians

Arp ISD website or documents from tech department

Laura Dacus

Student tech assistants

Tech dept

Aug 22-Sept 2011


Review TAKS scores for ED students

Retrieve TAKS information from counselor or principal

TAKS results via state

L. Dacus



Aug 22-Sept 2011


Chart when students receive netbooks


Discuss Action Research Plan with fellow teachers on campus


Sunday, July 24, 2011

EDLD 5301 Week 2-- Assignment Reflection

Well week 2 is down. I thought the assignments went pretty well. I had quite a few personal things happen over the course of the week that complicated things, but I really appreciate the IA's and professors understanding. Ive spent most of the past week waiting in hospital rooms, waiting for doctors to come by, and helping my daughters family as they dealt without having mom at home. She gave birth to her second child on Wed. July 13, and ended up back in the hospital with dangeriously high blood pressure on Sunday the 17th. It took 6 days to get her blood pressure regulated so that she could go home. Then on Friday, July 22nd, I had hand surgery for carpal tunnel and shoulder surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff. It has been a stressful and painful week!

However, as I sat in the hospital, I almost found refuge in my assignment readings and videos. I allowed my mind to wander on the topics, truly pondering my action research plan and the areas that offer opportunities (or are ripe) for improving my leadership skills, impacting my students and my campus in a positive light. I really like the opportunity to reflect. In many ways it allows me to bring closure to certain activities. It also lets me take stock in what I have done and what I need to work on. I think I'm going to use the practice of reflection in my classes more this year.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

EDLD 5301 Week 1--Educational Uses of Blogs

I have really enjoyed using blogs in my classroom although I initially was hesitant. We have found blogging to be a great way to complete our daily journal, discuss topics from our lessons, create value added responses to our peers' posts, get information out to parents and guardians, attach notes or key lesson concepts for future reference, post videos of step by step instructions for specific activities, post commonly used websites for students to access, and really the list goes on and on.

EDLD 5301--Action Research in Educational Settings

We often say in education that we are lifelong learners. While that may mean that we learn new things and gain more knowledge and skills about our subjects or new technologies and strategies used in the classroom, I believe this also refers to examining what we do as educators and what results we receive. I once heard a statement that I thought to be so very true for teachers; if you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting the same results. This week’s readings and focus have been on conducting action research in an educational setting. In order to help students be successful, we need to reflect on our practices. Action research takes an initial situation or dilemma and seeks to find workable solutions. Once a situation is realized, i.e., “Why can’t my students turn math word problems into computations”, then strategies or actions are considered and implemented. Afterwards, we review the results. Did the action produce any new results? I can think of a couple of instances in my classroom where I say students struggling to read and basically pretending to read their books. They depended on class discussions to give them insight as to what was really going on in the book. I identified the problem, searched for possible strategies for solutions and put those strategies into action later evaluating the results. For one particular student, we realized that audio books produced amazing results. The student developed a love for reading and began to work diligently at gaining the skills he needed. I think I didn’t even realize it then, but it seems to me that I was conduction action research. Often I am guilty of wanting to do the same thing, teach the same way, and present the information the same with each student or class. However, when I take time to reflect on my lessons or on problems students are having, I realize that they lack the skills to empower themselves. It’s my responsibility to help them find what works. If you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting the same results.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Week 5 Assignment, Part 2: Course Reflections

Well, the first course is over, and I’m still spinning trying to make sure everything is done. I’m not sure that I had expected this first class to be so intensive. I’ve taken other online courses, and I realize that just like any college course with any teacher, there are similarities and differences in all of them. I think that my first course with Lamar’s Distance Education system was ok. I think this first class really assumes a higher level of technology use already in place by the student. I know that several of my classmates were drawn into the technology field out of necessity. I wondered how prepared everyone really was for this class. Hopefully, now that I understand the Epic system, that will be one less thing I have to learn during the next course.

There were some good ideas that came out of this class. I guess my main outcome was to pass the class with an acceptable grade. I know that may sound bad, but I finished my Bachelor’s degree in 2004, so it has been a while since I’ve done any real studying and coursework! In many ways this course allowed me to reaffirm some of my convictions about student use of technology in classroom. My school seems to be rather advanced in the use of technology and of what technology resources we have. Sometimes I feel like we are pushing our students into technology overload. I believe as I worked through this course I got the chance to feel remember what it feels like to be a tech newbie and have so much to absorb at one time. I think it would be a good idea for me to remember this when I begin presenting new concepts to my students.

My outcome was to pass with a decent grade and learn how to use the system. I know that may not really be a very high objective, but after having not been in classes like this for a while, I just didn’t want to lose ground. I met people in my class and created a network of peers who are willing to help me as we progress through this degree plan. I’m not sure that I had any greater expectations. I think there was almost too much reading, and I’m concerned that I may not be able to handle the course load once I start the new school year. I know I was frustrated because I really want to do well; not just good enough. So, what outcomes did I not achieve? Well, I’m not really sure. As each teacher is different each course is different. I think I did pretty well, and I’m looking forward to the next class.

Wow this is sort of hard to say. I did my assignments, but for some of them, I was really struggling. I think that much of my problems had to do with terminology. I had to get a better understanding of what all we were talking about before I could tackle the assignments. I didn’t know about the “details” section in the graded assignment area of the Epic system. Had I known about that, I might have been better able to complete the following assignments. Overwhelmed…that is probably the word that really wraps it up. To be honest if I hadn’t had someone to work through the assignments with and to bounce off ideas, I’m not sure I would have been successful. Also the fact that there were three different places to post things, two or three different email accounts to check, and I’m out of school and couldn’t access my site mentor as readily as I wished were all obstacles that I guess I wasn’t prepared for.

As I look back, I really think this course has reminded me that I am a determined person. I was able to help others with their assignments which I really enjoy. At points in the course, I found myself overwhelmed. I really had to take a step back and get organized. Look over everything and work on a plan. I know that the lessons were laid out pretty well, but they were so intensive that I don’t think I was prepared for them. Many people would say that you have to devote extra time to online classes since we aren’t meeting face to face. But I spent 5 hours almost straight on one assignment. I don’t know if that is normal. I do know that having other people to talk with, I shared cell numbers with some of my classmates, helped me a lot. Sometimes just emailing back and forth really didn’t solve any issues. I have been looking for a Master’s program for several years. When my sister approached me about going to Lamar together and working through our Master’s together, I realized that it was time to move forward and that this was an opportunity I did not want to pass up. I’m in this for the long haul and I want to be successful. I want to be able to help others. I believe that we want each other to be successful. Maybe that’s what put us in this program.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Web Conference Reflection-Week 5

I was about 5 minutes late getting into the web conference for this week. I didn’t worry with my webcam. I was able to see Mrs. Borel and a few of my colleagues. DarylAnn was explaining the Principal Competencies when I joined the room. I look back over the past 4 weeks and realize that it has been a whirlwind. I was grateful for the web conferences and the opportunity to see my instructor and know she was willing to help with whatever issues had arisen. Although this is a distance education class, I really think it’s a good idea to have these web conferences available. One of the class members was really struggling with some of the assignments, and the outpouring of support that the class members showed was great.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Web Conference #2 - Reflection

Our second web conference went pretty well although there were some serious technical difficulties. I had not been able to get my web cam working for the first web conference, so I was determined to have video this time. I logged in to the web conference site about 20 minutes or so before the appointed start time. My video worked and I could see a few other people. Daryl Ann had problems with the audio, and it remained choppy throughout the conference. With technical difficulties taken into consideration, the web conference allowed us time to ask questions about our week 3 work. Several students were having problems embedding the animoto video into their wikis and asked for help. The great thing about the web conference is that it allows us an opportunity to share ideas, to help each other, and to remind us that we don’t have to work through these courses alone. There is a wealth of knowledge to be gained if we just ask. I really can see the benefits of using web conferences with classes. However, I think it is important to stress the fact that nothing works perfectly. Being flexible, patient, and understanding when the technology doesn’t work as we would like will be a key to learning an integrating it into our own classrooms.

Friday, June 3, 2011

EDLD 5306 -- Web Conference #1 - Reflection

Well, my first web conference for the course is complete. I thought it was fun, and it was nice to be able to put some faces to the names I’ve seen our on class discussions. It took some tweaking to get things going, but I think Mrs. Borel did a great job of calming our nerves.  I enjoyed interacting with my classmates! I think that was the most fun.  It was nice to get an overview of the whole program, and I’m happy to have it in the power point to refer to.  I think one of the things I’ll need to work on is information overload during these classes. I want to think that I have a handle on what is due, when it is due, etc. However, I feel easily overwhelmed by the overviews and assignments. I’m hoping that as I settle in to the program things will flow a bit better.  J  

Thursday, June 2, 2011

EDLD 5306 Blog Posting #3: National Educational Technology Plan (NETP)

The NETP or National Educational Technology Plan of 2010 includes two main goals by the year 2020: raise the number of college graduates from 39% to 60%, and work so that all students, regardless of race, income, or neighborhood will graduate from high school having the skills necessary for college. To reach these goals is it believed that an all out effort/intervention must be made rather than simply applying stop-gap measures or allowing these changes to evolve over a long course of time.
“It urges our education system at all levels to
Be clear about the outcomes we seek.
Collaborate to redesign structures and processes for effectiveness, efficiency, and flexibility.
Continually monitor and measure our performance.
  • Hold ourselves accountable for progress and results every step of the way.”
Atkins, Daniel E. et al, (March 5, 2010) Transforming American Education: Learning Powered By Technology p.5
The NETP focuses on five specific areas: learning, assessment, teaching, infrastructure, and productivity. After conducting studies of college ready programs, awareness was raised of how students learned, what they learned, and when they learned. Student responsibility for project based lessons, identifying real-world problems and designing plausible solutions, and collaborating with a variety of agencies, entities, and professionals in higher education, would play a great part in the success of such a focused concentration for change. The plan outlines recommendations for change that will hopefully bring about the desired results.

EDLD 5306 Blog Posting #2: School or District Technology Plan

It is the goal of Arp Junior High School to integrate technology across the curriculum. It is the desire of the campus personnel to assist the students in the acquisition of skills necessary for success in high school and beyond. The technology goals for all students at Arp Junior High School are listed below:
  • Acquire a username and password for the Arp ISD network by passing a test over the district’s Acceptable Use Policy.
  • Become familiar with online sources for research.
  • Become familiar with the use of Blog Server. Students will successfully participate on the Blog Server with value added responses..
  • Partnership for Technology Application students in a Robotics Camp.
  • Successful completion of a TA assessment.
  • Acquire the skills necessary to accomplish six basic standards:
  • Become familiar with technology terms, input strategies and ethical practices regarding computer, internet, and intranet use.
  • Gain skills to conduct effective searches on the internet.
  • Utilize a word processor for basic documents.
  • Gain a working knowledge of multimedia authoring tools.
  • Present information in a variety of formats including digital.
  • Establish some control over their learning.
  • Accelerate their learning through the use of software products including, but not limited to, networked and internet based programs.
  • Participate in virtual classroom settings, taking tests online, completing assignments online, and contributing to the community of learners through electronic communication.

EDLD 5306-Blog Posting #1: Technology Assessment

As with any skill, assessment is an important component in developing competency. However, just as teachers and students are faced with emphasis placed on high-stakes testing, would it be possible that too much emphasis may be placed on assessing technology skills? Few dispute the necessity for teachers to be proficient in the use and integration of technology in the classroom. Nonetheless, “Several teachers held to the belief that they needed to be “experts,” not just in the operation of technology, but also in its instructional implications and in troubleshooting.” (Burns, Mary. From Compliance to Commitment, p.298) The Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology displays necessary skills for teachers and students. Students need to be nurtured in the use of technology in their classroom activities. Although many students have access to technology, many are overwhelmed and intimidated by such inclusive use of technology in the classroom. Again, it is possible to place too much emphasis on “what” the students’ know, as opposed to “how they know and how they find” what they need. Student assessment of technology skills is necessary, but in my opinion, it must be balanced with the opportunity for exploration.
“Today’s students are technology-savvy, feel strongly about the positive value of technology, and rely upon technology as an essential and preferred component of every aspect of their lives. Today’s students need access to life-changing tools that are available for their use before they walk into a school building.” Long-Range Plan for Technology 2006-2010 (November 2006). P22

Just a reminder---"What do teachers make?"

What do teachers make?


This blog will display bits and bytes of information compiled over an 18 month program for Lamar University.
